If you no longer want to receive messages from your subscriptions, you can unsubscribe by sending an unsub message. The proper formatting to use when sending an unsub message is as follows:

  "unsub": "topic to unsub",
  "id": "id generate by client"

For example,

  "unsub": "market.btcusdt.trade.detail",
  "id": "id4"

The server will respond to an unsub message with a confirmation message. For example, the above unsub request would be answered by the following message:

  "id": "id4",
  "status": "ok",
  "unsubbed": "market.btcusdt.trade.detail",
  "ts" 1494326028889

Incorrect or inaccurate unsub messages will fail and will be answered by error messages from the server. For example, attempting to unsubscribe from a topic that you are not subscribed to in the first place would result in receiving an error message like the following:

  "id": "id5",
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "bad-request",
  "err-msg": "unsub with not subbed topic market.btcusdt.trade.detail",
  "ts": 1494326217428

And attempting to unsubscribe from a non-existent topic would result in receiving an error message like the following:

  "id": "id5",
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "bad-request",
  "err-msg": "unsub with not subbed topic not-exists-topic",
  "ts": 1494326318809