This endpoint place a new order and send to the exchange to be matched.

Type description: buy-limit
When "Order Price">= "Market Minimum Selling Price", the system will refuse to accept the order after the order is submitted;
When the "order price" < "market minimum offer price", after the submission is successful, the order will be accepted by the system.sell-limit
When the "order price" <= "market maximum purchase price", the system will refuse to accept the order after the order is submitted;
When the "order price" > "market maximum purchase price", after the submission is successful, the order will be accepted by the system.

/* POST /v1/order/orders/place */

  "account-id": "100009",
  "amount": "10.1",
  "price": "100.1",
  "source": "api",
  "symbol": "ethusdt",
  "type": "buy-limit"
/* POST /v1/order/orders/place */

  "status": "ok",
  "data": "59378"